Got Tin?... and yes, the pie is real.

The trade show in Oshkosh each February provides the inspiration (or is it desperation?) to get some tinware completed for the shelves. Each year I try to introduce at least one new item to my inventory. This year it was a four-sided lantern. I also completed a number of long spouted coffee pots, three-sided lanterns, and 2 and 2 1/4 sheet kettles. My biggest seller, however, was the iron hinges and cinched hinge nails that I have acquired. While at the show, I worked on producing baking pans and the coffee bean roaster previously shown. I also spent some time working with one of the 1861 Enos Dodd oil can tinware patterns that I have. The writing on it is difficult to read, but it either says 1/8 or 1/2 gallon. I'm going to put one together and see what it will become. I did receive an order to make a tin "vasculum," a type of botanist's case, for an artist to use for his supplies. He also wants a turpentine cup, a piece I haven't seen available from any other smiths. He is the cartographer for the 3rd New York, an NWTA unit.