A Good Reminder for My Fall Season
The author of this article expressed so clearly what I know in my heart but sometimes am tempted to forget to protect. The questions that we get asked are opportunities to interact, not waste with snide remarks or indignation.

From the ALHFAM Bulletin, written by Carrie Fellows, Fall 2006.
I hope you agree.

From the ALHFAM Bulletin, written by Carrie Fellows, Fall 2006.
I hope you agree.
Hello there. First, just FYI, I linked to this site through Lisa Cooper's 'Every Now and Then.'
I have lived all over the world, but most of my 57 years (40+) have been here in Douglas County and I love to read and learn more of it's history as often as I can.
There is a post on your site that I cannot access. I want to because your intro to it intrigues me so can you please let me know how to link to it another way. It is titled A Good Reminder for My Fall Season. Thanks, and I look forward to learning more from you in the future (I've bookmarked your site :)
Christine Kirby
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